Riverside Sundial
Crafted by Hungarian-born horologist, Imre Kalincsak, in the 1960s and gifted to the city of Riverside California.
He wanted to give back to the community, so, in 1965, he proposed to design and construct an unusual sundial that could be placed in front of what was then the new library building downtown.
His proposal, though, was no ordinary instrument. In addition to telling time (both true solar time and time of day), Kalincsak’s sundial would also tell the position of the sun in relation to the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, the day and month of the year, and which sign of the zodiac is prevalent.
It is a highly-crafted instrument that was said to take Kalincsak nearly 3,000 hours of work to build over three years.
Image credit Steve Lech